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CPR Training Course for the followers of the Sunny Lay Buddhists at the Causeway Bay Community Centre
On 4.8.2018 Spark of Life ran a CPR Training Course for the followers of the Sunny Lay Buddhists at the Causeway Bay Community Centre. Ninety participated in the course and they were all attentive. We would like to run more similar activities to promote the knowledge, skill and concept to all walks of life in Hong Kong.
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於2018年2月25日早上在嗇色園主辦可誠護理安老院舉辦「新春敬老愛老親善探訪」活動,向長者派發新春利是。 十分感謝聖約翰救護機構理事會主席鍾展鴻醫生,及生命火花院前輔助醫療學會各理事、會員及家屬出錢出力,籌得款項除了所有院友均有一封$50元利是外,餘額亦交由院方作為日後院友福利活動之用途。
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Chinese New Year Visit to Ho Cheung Home for the Elderly
嗇色園連同生命火花院前輔助醫療學會(下稱:生命火花) 、及香港聖約翰救傷會合辦「2017新春敬老愛老親善探訪」活動,於2017年2月18日(星期六)在位於大埔的嗇色園主辦可善護理安老院順利舉行。三個主辦機構共40多名義工透過新春探訪,讓長期居住於安老院舍內的長者感受新春氣氛及社區關懷,以發揚義工敬老愛老的精神。
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Chinese New Year Visit to Ho Cheung Home for the Elderly (sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen)
Jointly organized by Sik Sik Yuen, Hong Kong St John Ambulance Association and Spark of Life, a visit to a home for the elderly was arranged in the Chinese New Year to bring warmth and happiness to the residents. Around 40 volunteers and workers arrived at Tuen Mun Leung King Estate Ho Cheung Home for the Elderly at 10 am on Sunday 21st February 2016 (the 14th day of the Chinese New Year). Red packets and Fortunate bags were given to the 90 elderly residents, together with singing New Year songs, playing games and mutual blessings. A few thousand dollars were also donated to the Home for the Elderly. The activity ended at noon, with a joyful atmosphere. After the visit, the volunteers had lunch with the superintendent of the Home for the Elderly in a nearby Chinese restaurant.
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時 間:2:00pm - 4:00pm
地 點:沙田鄉議局大樓一樓大劇院(沙田石門安睦街三十號)
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CPR Training Course for the residents of Tin Chung Court, Tin Shui Wai
2015 2015年10月4日生命火花舉辦一心肺復甦法訓練予天水圍天頌苑的居民。當日共有20人參與,活動期間各學員表現十分積極。本會希望多舉辦這些活動使相關的知識、技能及理念,能夠薪火相傳至不同社區的每一個角落。
On 4.10.2015, Spark of Life ran a CPR Training Course for the residents of Tin Chung Court, Tin Shui Wai. Twenty participated in the course and they were all attentive. We would like to run more similar activities to promote the knowledge, skill and concept to all walks of life in Hong Kong.
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澳門 - 珠海 - 番禺交流二天團 (15-16.3.2014)
2-day Exchange Visit to Macau, Zhuhai, and Panyu (15-16.3.2014)
In the morning of 15.3.2014, through the arrangement by China Travel Service (Hong Kong), 31 members arrived at Macau by jet ferry. The first visit was the Emergency Department and Hospital facilities of the Hospital Conde S. Januario. In the afternoon, we visited the Grand Prix Museum, the Ruins of St Paul’s and other scenery spots. Dinner was at Hengqin Oyster Ecological Manor. We stayed at the Harbour View Hotel & Resort at Zhuhai that night.
On the next day, we had lunch at the Panyu Sunflower Garden. We returned to the Futian Port in the afternoon, ending a very successful trip.
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Visit to Castle Peak Hospital and the Institute of Mental Health
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Fundamental Disaster Management Course
A new version of Fundamental Disaster Management course, with the recently revised manual from the Society of Critical Care Medicine, was held at North District Hospital on 6 May 2010. The course was solely run by local instructors. The participants ranged from doctors to first responders. There were 22 registrants, including one nurse from Vietnam and one absentee. Three required retest and finally all passed!
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Kwai Tsing & Tsuen Wan District CPR Events
2010年1月24日生命火花參與兩個大型心肺復甦法訓練暨嘉許典禮,早上在葵涌運動場4806名來自葵青區的居民、中學師生及家長, 護士學生、大專學生、醫護人員、義工及其家屬等一同參加由葵青安全社區及健康城市協會和瑪嘉烈醫院合辦的心肺復甦法訓練,共同刷新心肺復甦法訓練的健力士世界紀錄;口號為「心肺復甦齊齊操 - 世界紀錄齊創造」。下午在荃灣蕙荃體育館1051名來自荃灣區的居民、師生及家長,醫護人員、義工及其家屬等一同參加由荃灣區議會及仁濟醫院合辦的心肺復甦法訓練,接力刷新心肺復甦法訓練的健力士世界紀錄;口號為「齊學心肺復甦法 - 救人一命好方法」。這一天內完成 5857 人(4806+1051) 心肺復甦法訓練的新世界紀錄現已提交健力士。生命火花希望透過參與這些活動,心肺復甦法的知識、技能及理念,能夠薪火相傳至社區的每一個角落。
SPARK of Life participated in two mass CPR training events to break the Guinness World Record on 24th January 2010. In the morning at the Kwai Chung Sports Ground, 4806 Kwai Tsing residents, teachers, secondary school students and their parents, nursing students, university students, healthcare personnel, volunteers and their families, learned and performed CPR together in a ceremony organized by the Kwai Tsing Safe Community and Healthy City Association Limited and the Princess Margaret Hospital. The slogan for the morning ceremony was “Perform CPR and break the world record together”. In the afternoon at the Wai Tsuen Sports Centre, 1051 Tsuen Wan residents, teachers, students and their parents, healthcare personnel, volunteers and their families performed CPR at the same time in an event organized by the Tsuen Wan District Board and Yan Chai Hospital, as a continuation of the morning project. The slogan for the afternoon ceremony was “Learn CPR together to save lives”. The new world record of 5857 (4806 + 1051) trained in CPR in one day has been sent to the Guinness World Record. Through supporting such activities, SPARK of Life hopes that the knowledge, skill and concept of CPR will be promulgated to every corner of the community of Hong Kong.
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Advanced Stroke Life Support (ASLS®), Hospital & Prehospital, Courses
Advanced Stroke Life Support (ASLS®), Hospital & Prehospital, Courses (19.1.2010 & 21.1.2010)
Developed in 1997 by the Center for Research in Medical Education, University of Miami, this 8-hour practical hands-on course provides doctors, nurses and prehospital care providers with a unique neurologic assessment tool ideal for both prehospital and hospital use. Topics include: stroke facts & rationale for urgent care; major stroke syndromes & stroke mimics; prehospital stroke management; emergency department and hospital stroke management; Miami emergency neurologic deficit (MEND) examination & practice sessions; pretest and posttest. This one-day course was first introduced into Hong Kong by Spark of Life, supported by North District Hospital and Tuen Mun Hospital. Two courses were held at North District Hospital on 19th and 21st January 2010. The invited overseas faculty included Dr. Shaun SHEEHAN, emergency physician and Mr. Charles BORTLE, Director of Logistics and Field Operations, Center for Special Operations & Training, Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia. The courses were well received. The participants included doctors, nurses, paramedics and first responders, ranging from consultants in emergency medicine to first responders. There were 126 attendees in total, and all passed!
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