澳門 - 珠海 - 番禺交流二天團 (15-16.3.2014)
2-day Exchange Visit to Macau, Zhuhai, and Panyu (15-16.3.2014)

三月十五日早上,經香港中國旅行社安排,三十一名理事與會員從港澳碼頭乘噴射飛航船抵達澳門,首先拜訪仁伯爵綜合醫院(山頂醫院),參觀急診室及醫院設施。午餐後,參觀澳門賽車博物館、大三巴等景點,於橫琴蠔生態園享用晚餐後,便直往珠海怡景灣大酒店休息。 十六日為休閒日,從梅溪牌場到番禺,於百萬葵園內午膳後,在深圳福田口岸解散,至此整個旅程圓滿結束。

In the morning of 15.3.2014, through the arrangement by China Travel Service (Hong Kong), 31 members arrived at Macau by jet ferry. The first visit was the Emergency Department and Hospital facilities of the Hospital Conde S. Januario. In the afternoon, we visited the Grand Prix Museum, the Ruins of St Paul’s and other scenery spots. Dinner was at Hengqin Oyster Ecological Manor. We stayed at the Harbour View Hotel & Resort at Zhuhai that night. On the next day, we had lunch at the Panyu Sunflower Garden. We returned to the Futian Port in the afternoon, ending a very successful trip.