心肺復甦法考核大會暨嘉許典禮 (29.2.2008)
CPR Assessment & Recognition Ceremony (29/2/2008)
心肺復甦法考核大會暨嘉許典禮於 2008 年 2 月 29 日在上水鳳溪第一中學完滿舉行,參與及贊助的機構包括北區區議會、北區中學校長會、北區小學校長會、北區醫院、生命火花院前輔助醫療學會,香港聖約翰救傷會,香港消防處,香港消防處救護員會,挪度中國有限公司,飛利浦醫療系統及嘉榮醫療有限公司。
香港消防處處長盧振雄先生為主禮嘉賓。李家仁醫生及安德尊先生為大會司儀。楊千嬅小姐繼續擔任本典禮的心肺復甦大使。香港消防處派出兩隻醒獅表演。大會同時頒發「推廣心肺復甦法」小學生填色比賽獎項。香港消防處的救護隊,聯同嘉賓蔣雅文小姐及洪卓立先生示範心肺復甦法及除顫法。蔣雅文小姐及洪卓立先生更與 665 位北區中小學師生及家長,同一時間進行心肺復甦法,打破 2006 年的紀錄。
A CPR Assessment & Recognition Ceremony was successfully held at the Sheung Shui Fung Kai No. 1 secondary School on 29th February 2008. Participating and sponsoring organisations included the North District Council, North District Secondary School Principals Association, North District Primary School Heads Association, North District Hospital, SPARK of Life, Hong Kong St John Ambulance Association, Hong Kong Fire Services Department, Hong Kong Fire Services Department Ambulancemen’s Union, Laerdal China Ltd., Philips Electronics Hong Kong Ltd. and Goodwin Health Care Ltd.
The Director of Fire Services, Mr. Gregory Chun-hung LO, was the officiating guest of the ceremony. Dr. David Ka-yan LEE and Mr. Anderson JUNIOR were the masters of ceremony. Popular artist and singer Miss Miriam YEUNG continued to be the CPR Ambassador of the ceremony. The Fire Services Department sent two teams for lion dance performance. Awards were presented to winners of the CPR Promotion Primary School Students Painting Competition. The Hong Kong Fire Services Department Ambulance Team, together with singers Mandy CHIANG and Ken HUNG, demonstrated cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillation. Miss Mandy CHIANG and Mr. Ken HUNG subsequently performed CPR together with 665 North District school teachers, students and parents. This broke year 2006’s record for CPR in Hong Kong.
The slogan for this ceremony was “Promote CPR actively, establish a safe community, and kindle the spark of life”. In addition, the North District was the first district in Hong Kong promoting CPR. Currently, there were other district councils following and promoting CPR to their schools and community. We hope that the knowledge, skills and concept of CPR can be passed like a torch to communities, schools, families and every corner of the society.
CPR Assessment & Recognition Ceremony (29/2/2008)
心肺復甦法考核大會暨嘉許典禮於 2008 年 2 月 29 日在上水鳳溪第一中學完滿舉行,參與及贊助的機構包括北區區議會、北區中學校長會、北區小學校長會、北區醫院、生命火花院前輔助醫療學會,香港聖約翰救傷會,香港消防處,香港消防處救護員會,挪度中國有限公司,飛利浦醫療系統及嘉榮醫療有限公司。
香港消防處處長盧振雄先生為主禮嘉賓。李家仁醫生及安德尊先生為大會司儀。楊千嬅小姐繼續擔任本典禮的心肺復甦大使。香港消防處派出兩隻醒獅表演。大會同時頒發「推廣心肺復甦法」小學生填色比賽獎項。香港消防處的救護隊,聯同嘉賓蔣雅文小姐及洪卓立先生示範心肺復甦法及除顫法。蔣雅文小姐及洪卓立先生更與 665 位北區中小學師生及家長,同一時間進行心肺復甦法,打破 2006 年的紀錄。
A CPR Assessment & Recognition Ceremony was successfully held at the Sheung Shui Fung Kai No. 1 secondary School on 29th February 2008. Participating and sponsoring organisations included the North District Council, North District Secondary School Principals Association, North District Primary School Heads Association, North District Hospital, SPARK of Life, Hong Kong St John Ambulance Association, Hong Kong Fire Services Department, Hong Kong Fire Services Department Ambulancemen’s Union, Laerdal China Ltd., Philips Electronics Hong Kong Ltd. and Goodwin Health Care Ltd.
The Director of Fire Services, Mr. Gregory Chun-hung LO, was the officiating guest of the ceremony. Dr. David Ka-yan LEE and Mr. Anderson JUNIOR were the masters of ceremony. Popular artist and singer Miss Miriam YEUNG continued to be the CPR Ambassador of the ceremony. The Fire Services Department sent two teams for lion dance performance. Awards were presented to winners of the CPR Promotion Primary School Students Painting Competition. The Hong Kong Fire Services Department Ambulance Team, together with singers Mandy CHIANG and Ken HUNG, demonstrated cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillation. Miss Mandy CHIANG and Mr. Ken HUNG subsequently performed CPR together with 665 North District school teachers, students and parents. This broke year 2006’s record for CPR in Hong Kong.
The slogan for this ceremony was “Promote CPR actively, establish a safe community, and kindle the spark of life”. In addition, the North District was the first district in Hong Kong promoting CPR. Currently, there were other district councils following and promoting CPR to their schools and community. We hope that the knowledge, skills and concept of CPR can be passed like a torch to communities, schools, families and every corner of the society.